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Category: Life
I will make a difference.
Jesus, I thank You that You suffered and died for me on the cross to pay for my sins.
Father, I thank You that You raised Jesus from the dead to be my living Lord and Savior.
Holy Spirit I thank You that You will lead me to do the right thing and change my world.
Today, Lord, I want to make You a promise.
I will not be ashamed of Your name or Your Gospel.
I will do what I can for those that are persecuted and pray for them.
I will look enemies in the eye and love them with Your love. I will pray for them and love them-no matter what the consequences.
I will follow Your voice wherever You lead me, unafriad, for I know You will be with me.
If I should stumble, if I fall, if I should deny Your name, if I should feel guilty that I did not pray or forgot to do something You've asked me to do, I will not quit. I will not wallow in guilt. I will turn back to You, confess my sin, and do what You called me to do, because that is why You died for me.
I will stand with You and my brothers and sisters around the world, because no matter what happens, no matter what I face or how it looks, in the end, we will be victorious-we will inherit eternity and heaven with You.
I can do nothing else, because...I AM A JESUS FREAK."
-Jesus Freak by DC Talk and The Voice of the Martyrs
OK so I'm reading this book now and every time I pick it up and read one of the stories I can't help but cry my eyes out... These people are not only persecuted, they are TORTURED and MURDERED for their faith in God.
I've always thought about dying for Jesus, and I've always known that I'd be willing but only out of fear of going to Hell if I didn't. But now, I know that I would do it out of my love for Him. God doesn't want us to serve Him out of fear but out of love, although fear is often what drives people to do most things in life. Russian churches often talk about persecution of Christians because they themselves have been persecuted in Russia, my family included. And this didn't happen that long ago. This has been a subject I've often had to face, listen to, but not so much as deal with... at least not in a physical way... American churches don't talk much about persecution, torture and dying for Christ in a physical way and that can be dangerous. Sure, it's not so difficult to bear losing your friends, being made fun of and mocked for your beliefs, but would you endure imprisonment, physical torment and physical death for Jesus? That's where I believe love comes in. If we really truly love God we are already dead to this world in a physical way as well as spiritual way so when the time comes to face not only the rejection of our friends and loved ones, but cruel and painful torments we can say, Jesus, I love You, and I'm doing this for You because You have already done so for me... Yes, I'm a Jesus Freak!