Friday, December 9, 2005


Current mood: enthralled
Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes

Once again J taught an amazing class on Sunday... It was such a revelation to me to realize that God really does view everything differently than we do. He sees us, our circumstances and our future from a different perspective, and it's really incredible... We are the apple of His eye... That's how precious we are to Him, but that doesn't even begin to cover it... The pupil is the "apple of the eye" and when you get close enough to someone you can see a reflection of yourself in their eyes... It's pretty incredible... I want to be that close to God! I want to see myself in His eyes and I want Him to see Himself in mine...

During the service, especially worship and the altar call, (Sat. night @ YP too) I recieved another revelation if you can call it that... I was looking around and I saw so many young people, guys, young men specifically, worshiping, praying, crying out to God... so emotional... and that's when I knew it more than ever: ONLY GOD can do that to men! Only something extremely powerful can move macho men to tears and to worship with their hands raised, singing their hearts out to the Lord! And that is my favorite sight! It moves me in such a way that it dissolves any doubt, any skepticism and any disbelief about the existance, validity and the power of God. Only something very great, something that is bigger than ourselves can do that to us... it's not emotions... it's the power of the Holy Spirit and it can sure move hearts...

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