Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Pastor Jude vs Ladies' Bible Study

Current mood: busy
Category: Life

it never fails. ever since the ladies' Bible study started in Belltown on Wednesday nights (same night that Pastor Jude preaches) someone always comes up to me as i go into the main auditorium and says, " You know, we have a ladies Bible study in the other room." and i always smile sweetly and say, "Yes, i know, but i want to hear Pastor Jude." and i do. i'll pick him over ladies Bible study anyday. or pastor judah. or pastor wendell for that matter. not pastor steve though. lol the point it, pastor Jude gets through to me like noone else. its the anointing, i know, but it never fails...

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

A Perfect Day

Current mood: enthralled
Category: Life

so yea i know that V day was a while ago, but i still want to share how absolutely perfect it was for me :)
just like last year, i asked Jesus to be my valentine a few days before v day and here's what happened: the day before (tuesday), i recieved a message from one of my RI friends letting me know that she re-dedicated her life to God. i've been praying for her for a while, so this was such a gift for me :) there's a more to the story than just that, but it's a bit private ;)... i was very happy and very excited (to tears)... it stinkin' ROCKED!!! and the big day itself was just SWEET! literally lol my kids brought me so much candy and chocolates and flowers and gifts, i was HOOKED UP!!! the whole day was just perfect, it was like i was walking on clouds... belltown service rocked, pastor jude tore it up :D! God totally touched me... and then @ the GC service my "bff" (lol) got totally healed and rocked by God! i've been praying for that for a while too, so it was yet another perfect gift from my perfect valentine... i love Him...

p.s. bubble tea (after party) was fun too, i love hangin with my russians lol

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Guys have feelings?!

Current mood: thoughtful
Category: Romance and Relationships

Ok, boys, don't hate me. I know my guy friends have feelings. That I can believe. But do all guys have feelings? And are they the same feelings that girls have? I just can't believe that some guys have feelings. Like the super "cool" guys and the rough around the edges manly men. Haha sometimes it seems to me like the only feeling some guys have is pride since it's the only thing some seem to care about wounding. The feelings that I'm talking about are pain (emotional), love, and missing someone. Are men capable of those? Besides the guys I know... but even with them, I'm not sure if they are capable of all of them. I guess Christian guys are, but even they don't show it sometimes. I hear my school's pastor always joking about how much pain guys are in when they fall in love and I'm like... really?! They are?! The concept of guys being in love, being lovesick, missing a girl, and feeling pain just seems so foreign to me. I mean yea I guess in theory its true, but it just seems so movie-like and we all know what a bunch of crap that is... hmmm I don't know where this is all coming from... I guess maybe just looking at certain guys I can't fathom them having any feelings at all. Sad, I know. On the other hand, and I've already written about this before, I've seen Russian men (and boys) show some serious feelings and emotions in the presence of God. And Russian males don't do that. That's why I love seeing men worship... it just breaks down all the stereotypes. so yea... so much for my ramblings... any thoughts?