Thursday, December 8, 2005

The Chosen One

Current mood: grateful
Category: Life

It amazes me everyday... I look around me and see so many people who do not know Jesus, or they know of Him but don't have a relationship with Him... and I think to myself... I'm different... God, You chose me to believe in You, to live for You, to love You... Lately I've been finding a lot of scriptures about how we are chosen by God and ever since I've heard pastor Mark at Mars Hill speak on how Jesus died for everyone, but in a saving way only for the elect, it's been boggling my mind how Jesus chose me from so many people to recieve His salvation and join His children in serving Him. I do believe that since God is all knowing He knows who will accept Him and who won't and He has chosen those who accept Him to pour out His favor and grace on them and to have His hand upon their lives even when they haven't accepted Him yet. It fills my heart with amazement, humbleness and gratitude to know that even before He created me He knew every day of my life, when I would first hear His name, have my first encounter with Him then break his heart by walking away and living my life for myself. But since I was chosen by Him He never gave up on me, His hand was upon me and He has preserved me until the day He revealed His love to me and poured it all over me, enabling me to fall in love with Him and give myself wholly to Him. I can almost hear Him say, this is My daughter whom I chose to love Me and worship Me. I have a great purpose and a plan for her life. I will use her to glorify My name and do great things in My name that many might come to know Me. I will not leave her or forsake her, I will keep her always in My hand and finish the great work I have started in her...

Guys, that breaks my heart and makes me cry in awe of how AMAZING God is and how much He loves and forgives and just blesses... I can't even begin to describe how greatful I am for His amazing love and grace in my life...

In conclusion, since only God knows whom He has chosen, it is our privileged duty to tell EVERYONE about how awesome God is and how incredible His love is and what a great joy it is to know Him and serve Him!

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