Wednesday, January 25, 2006

For all who call themselves Christians

Current mood: thoughtful
Category: Quiz/Survey

This is going to offend a lot of people, but I really don't care. Jesus offended a lot of people. What a lot of people don't realize these days is that Jesus was the most contravercial, politically incorrect, honest person in His day. That says a lot... about Him and about what His followers should be like. So take this quiz and see if you can measure up to the name.

When was the last time you...
1. Read your Bible? (Your own, personal Bible, and by reading I mean more than one or two verses)
2. Prayed? (Talked with God... audibly)
3. Invited (and/or brought)someone to church? (an unsaved person)
4. Talked about God?
5. Interceded in prayer for an unsaved loved one?

If you can't answer today or yesterday (or within last week) to all five of these then maybe you should re-evaluaute your title of a Christian.

Yes or No
1. Do the people around you (family, friends, co-workers) know that you're a Christian?
2. Do your friends (family) know the name of your church?
3. Does God answer your prayers? (really now)

If you can't say "yes" to all three... well... you know...

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