Wednesday, April 2, 2008

On the Edge of Life

To be radical is to be extreme. I'm all for living a balanced life, and I believe that as Christians we should be prime examples of that, but "balanced" is by no means an equivalent of "normal", mediocre, or going with the flow. This world wouldn't be what it is if it weren't for some extreme people who thought differently from the rest of the society (both good and bad). The invention of electricity, communication, transportation, abolition of slavery, equal rights, and abortion are all examples of people going against the grain of society. Most things in life are extreme. To take a stand on something, you must choose a side, there's no room in stand in the middle. And if you don't stand for something... well... you'll fall for anything.

Who sets the "norm" these days? Who decides what's acceptable and tolerable, cool, fashionable and "the thing" to do? Yes, I know it's "the society", but sadly, it's only a small part of the society telling the big part what do do, what to wear, how to act and how to live. I don't take advice from Hollywood, MTV or Cosmopolitan magazine. I used to, and learned the hard way that I didn't want to end up like the people who were dishing out this lifestyle. I think I'll pass on the DUI's, the promiscuous relationships, making a drunken fool out of myself, hook ups, breaks ups, heartache, out of wedlock pregnancies and marriages that end in divorces, law suits and custody battles. Are people who live like that really, truly happy? Are they really enjoying life and living it to the fullest? I think not... They must really not realize that by enjoying their life in sporadic moments in time they are destroying it as a whole.

I had an interesting conversation recently with a friend of mine who is looking for a "nice girl with a good heart". I told him that he wasn't going to find her in a bar. I then asked him if he really wanted a girl who got drunk, dirty danced with a bunch of guys and went home with someone whom she just met. He said no, but he'd take a girl who was buzzed, danced with just one guy and didn't go home with anyone. It's the whole idea of doing everything in "moderation" that makes it OK. A little bit of this, a little bit of that, dabble in everything without being committed to anything. Blurring the lines instead of drawing them and living in the grey instead of the clear... What does that say about you? It really is all about "the heart" of the issue. What's your motivation? What drives you to do what you do? Someone asked me why I don't drink. My response was, why should I? My body does not suffer from a lack of alcohol in my bloodstream. It's not even about what you do so much as it is why you do it. It's not about drinking, sex or whatever it is you do, but it is about what drives you to it. What are you trying to fulfill, cover up or satisfy? Tequila is an awful thirst quencher. I think I'll stick with tea :P.

I think that by far the most inspiring thing I saw at the conference was the 2,500+ young people who said, I'm taking a stand, I refuse to conform to the "norm" of the society and live an "in the middle", mediocre, "OK" life. I want the "abundant" live that God has for me. I want to truly live a beautiful life with no regrets, no compromises, knowing who I am, and what my purpose is. It's all or nothing. I'm either all in or all out. I don't want to be like a wave that's blown by the wind in all different directions with every new idea, trend or opinion. I want to know beyond the shadow of any doubt what I believe and why I believe it. I want to be firm, strong, constant and steady, because that's the only foundation you can build on. My life, beliefs, convictions, and values will not be shaken. There are enough people in this world who live ordinary, mediocre lives. Those girls (and guys) are a dime a dozen. They're cheap. I want to be extraordinary, a gem, a diamond, priceless... I want to live on the edge because it's the highest point...

1 comment:

Mike Carper said...

"And if you don't stand for something... well... you'll fall for anything."

Nicely Said. When the stress and pressure of life hit, you have to know what your standing for, otherwise you will be easily swayed.

"I want to know beyond the shadow of any doubt what I believe and why I believe it. I want to be firm, strong, constant and steady, because that's the only foundation you can build on. My life, beliefs, convictions, and values will not be shaken."

Faith my friend, Faith.