Friday, August 1, 2008


I picked up my mom from the airport the other day, and as I was waiting for her both in the terminal area as well as baggage claim, I kept seeing families, friends, and loved ones being reunited as they practically ran towards each other, laughing, hugging, kissing, jumping up and down, and doing all sorts of things in their euphoric excitement. It was such an encouraging and joyous sight that I couldn't help but smile and laugh myself.

Sometimes I wonder if that's what heaven will be like... Happy reunions of family, friends and loved ones, all back in each other's arms again, just waiting for each other at the "terminal"... I think it will be just like that... When the only tears that will be cried are tears of joy. I wonder though, if we will miss the absence of other loved ones who won't be there... It hurts too much to think about it though. All I know is, I hope and pray to see everyone I know there and spend an eternity with them.

I remember quite a different sight when I was dropping my mom off 3 weeks before. Saying good bye at a security checkpoint was a young Asian couple; Japanese, I'm guessing. They were clearly very much in love as both was crying uncontrollably. He was leaving, she was staying. It was such a heartbreaking scene... My heart went out to her... I just wanted to embrace her and hold her and comfort her letting her know it was gonna be ok, but I couldn't... I've been to Japan and I know the Japanese culture, particularly how men (very much like Russian men) are not supposed to show emotion, especially tears. So to see this young man cry so hard meant a lot... I really hope that they will be reunited soon, because I can already imagine what a happy reunion that will be...

I hate good byes... with a strong passion. I cry when people die, move, and leave my life in other ways. Maybe because I truly understand the value of a human life and the preciousness of real friendships and love... I can't stand loosing what's important to me... I hate dropping people off at the airports... Love picking them up, but absolutely hate dropping them off... Reunions are far better than good byes...

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