Monday, December 11, 2006

Recent Bulletins

Current mood: sleepy
Category: Blogging


In case you missed them :)

(Yes, I think they were that good!) :) :) :)


i have the coolest job... working with the coolest stuff... a dream job really, its so fun and just perfect in every way. exactly what i needed! i work with college merchandise of all major schools and you wouldnt believe the products you can get with your school's logo on it! everything from golf balls to garters to tattoos to kitchenware! its crazy!!! my favorites are of course all the baby stuff, they are just so cute!!! little baby booties with college logos, bibs, caps, beanies, just the cutest stuff imaginable! i can pretty much recite all the major school's logos and mascots now... yai for me! and it constantly makes me think of my friends! all the UW, USC, Ohio, Duke, and UConn stuff... awww.... lol ok i wish i could get it all for you!
i think i know how Ruth felt now... this job is such a blessing from God, i'm super grateful!


Russian to the CORE!!!!


so today we had an extra long lunch break because the conversation at the teachers'/staff table was hysterically funny! and by that i mean two of the teachers were in tears from crying!!! what were we talking about?! russians! lol russians here, russian language, ukranian language, russians in russia, ukranians, and how we are just so different from Americans and all other people! it was so fun! i remember a lot of Russia, but i wish i remembered more... man, if youre not Russian or have never lived in Russia, youre seriously missing out lol... i REALLY want to go back and visit!!! Russians are just nuts! our life is crazy! we are just so unique... i'm so proud of being one lol :D!!!


I Stinkin' LOVE my job!!!


you guys have no idea... i wish i could just have all of you spend a day in my class... i have so much fun everyday (ok maybe some days are less fun than others but still)!!! my kids just love me so much its crazy... the amounts of love notes i get! Hugs, kisses, cards, comic strips, toys, candy, just crazy little things to show me they are thinking about me, love me and are even praying for me!!! i'm just so blessed there's no way i deserve this... they just literally shower me with love and appreciation every day... sure there are times i want to hurt them (just kidding!!!) but their love outweighs my frustration by FAR!!! i'm so in the right profession... i love this... Thank you, God, for my job. i know that i'm in the right place, where You want me...

you cant really understand this and appreciate it unless youre a teacher or have worked with kids before... i wish i could make you all undertsand... its really just so wonderful...


MORE Praise Reports!!!


God is ridiculously good to me :) i guess it comes with obedience lol :)
so here are my stories for this week so far:

1. i really need $$$ but had no way of making more than i already did so i was praying for some sort of financial income/miracle/anything! well, a couple of days ago my friend told me that her friend really needed help around his warehouse, just doing retail stuff like pulling, packaging and shipping and he was paying really well! i could make my own hours, work anytime as much as I wanted and get payed anytime (cash/check)! it really couldnt be any more perfect! so yea... a total answer to prayer!!! i'll be working my tailfeather off until i go to RI for the much need Christmas $$$! YAI!!!

2. the tricept in my left arm by my elbow has really been bugging me for a while and i wasnt sure why. it was just hurting randomly and made it uncomfortable for me to move my arm too much. i've mentioned it in prayer a few times, but wasn't too worried about it. so last sunday at the healing service i wasnt even thinking about it and i just went up to pray for my friends. well, on monday i realized that my arm wasnt bothering me anymore. at all. not one bit... yea i got totally healed :D!

PRAISE HIM, PRAISE HIM!!! lol God gets major props in my book!!!




This is what I put on repeat as loud as it goes and rock out to practically 24/7... This is my lifesong... my theme song lol... the soundtrack of my life... Philipians 1:20

Artist: Australia Hillsongs
Song: Evermore

Lost for words with all to say
Lord You take my breath away
Still my soul, my soul cries out
For You are holy

And as I look upon Your name
Circumstances fade away
Now Your glory steals my heart

You are holy
You are holy, Lord

evermore heart,="" my="" heart="" will="" say="">
Above all, I live for Your glory
Even if my world falls I will say
Above all, I live for Your glory

With all my heart I'll say
I'm living for Your name
With all to give You praise
We're living for Your glory, Lord!!!




This is from the AIM conversation I just had with one of the boys I studnet taught two years ago (8th grade English).

aznminority7: are you getting married
AVp94: no
AVp94: lol
AVp94: why should i?
aznminority7: cuz you are pretty duh
AVp94: haha
AVp94: thats not everything
aznminority7: my bro thought
aznminority7: so to

LOL how stinkin' cute!!! yea i heard a lot of my students had crushes on me that year... that explaines all the detentions lol!




lol yea i love that song!

so lately in IMY we've been talking a lot about prayer and how God answers it. its been really interesting. in my personal experience i found that God always answers my prayers. its not always what i want and when i want it but i always get an answer! i either get a YES right away (it happens quite often actually), a NOT YET (recently i got an answer for something i asked back in february!) or a I'VE GOT SOMETHING BETTER IN MIND ;) some people say it means "no" but i dont see it quite so negatively. either way God always gives me peace about it and helps me understand why its a "no" and most of the time i end up not wanting the thing i asked for anyway so it always works out.
i always have praise reports... God is just SO good! :) so yea... i "PRAISE HIM!!!" :D

Currently listening :
Mighty to Save
By Hillsong
Release date: 05 September, 2006

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