Wednesday, July 9, 2008


I have to say I've been thoroughly enjoying the job search process. I don't think I've ever wanted to work this bad :P! Right now I'm at a point where I'd highly appreciate having a job... ANY job! Meanwhile, God has been using this time to teach me some very profound concepts, one of which hit me especially hard today.

While browsing numerous ads and reading countless job descriptions I've found myself thinking one of two things. Either "Oh, I can totally do this!" or "Umm... I don't think I'm qualified for this." The jobs that I considered myself qualified for consisted mostly of things that I've done before and was very comfortable with, and the jobs that intimidated me into deeming myself unqualified consisted of duties that I've either never done before or haven't done enough to feel comfortable doing. Makes sense right? I was scared to apply for and take on a job where I stood a chance of failing. And then it hit me today as I was driving around different Starbucks' dropping off my applications and talking to managers, I CAN LEARN!!!

At some point or another all of us were "unqualified" for our current position. We didn't always have the knowledge, skills, abilities and experience that we do right now. We've all had to learn, both through theory and hands on experience in order to be successful. I would have never imagined myself doing some of the things I'm doing right now and have done in the past, and I'm pretty proud of everything I've learned along the way. Sometimes I don't think I give myself enough credit concerning what I'm really and truly capable of doing.

When communicating with perspective employers, I think the most crucial thing to convey about yourself is that you are teachable and willing to learn. I remember a while back Vik told me I was unteachable. I got pretty upset with him... "What are you talking about I'm unteachable? I'm a teacher!" It was so true though... I was so proud and arrogant I thought everything I touched turned to gold and no one could tell me I was wrong or correct me. Let's just say I've been humbled since then :)

Where there's a will, there's a way... If you want something bad enough, you'll do whatever it takes to get it, there's no such thing as "unqualified" or "unable". So I guess the question with me in my job search wasn't whether or not I could perform certain job tasks but whether or not I wanted to learn to perform them... Our desires compel us to do all that we do. True, there are many things that hinder us from following through, but in the end, it's always up to us, we are in control of our own destinies...

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