Friday, July 25, 2008

The Summer of Good Bye's...

This summer sucks... It seems like I'm loosing close friends left and right. Last summer Ulu moved to Hawaii and I cried my eyes out... This summer she is moving to London... I just said a final bye to Cheryl who is moving to Japan for a year... Tricia is moving to D.C. and one of my best guy friends got married! These people are among my closest friends and we have shared a LOT together. Ulu and I had countless heart to heart talks and U Village dates. Cheryl and I spent numerous hours at her apartment, exploring Seattle and cooking together (actually she just cooked for me), Tricia knows me inside and out and is my ultimate dance, make up and "keeping it real" buddy, and of course I'll never forget how Ben was there for me when some boy broke my heart last spring... These people are my best friends and I love them SO much and now I feel like I'm loosing them! And this is all happening so fast, so all together...

I know they will still technically be in my life and we will still be friends and we can keep in touch and that this is God's plan for their life and all that good stuff, but it doesn't make me feel much better. I'm happy and excited for them, but I will still miss them SO much! I know I will see all of them again, but what if I still need them in my life right now? I know I'm super blessed with many other friends and I'm close with a lot of them as well, but these 4 were special... They are like my family... They understand me, they know me... They can read me and call my bluff and comfort me and love me and just be there for me. I can't meet Ulu at B&N if she's in London... I can't go to Pike Place with Cheryl if she's in Japan... I can't cry on Tricia's shoulder if she's in D.C., I can't drop by Ben's apartment if he's married...

There's actually a 5th friend whom I lost this summer as well and the combination of it all makes all of this extra hard. Loosing the people you love sucks big time... It just hurts like nothing else... I've never been good at letting people go... Never been good at giving up on them, never been good at saying good bye... Some things I just don't want to learn.


Anonymous said...

Anna P!! It's just as hard to say goodbye too. I'm glad to know though that we are such good friends, you know the kind of friends that even though they don't see each other for a year still meet up and it's like time never even passed. I've been feeling like this for awhile, melancholy I mean, because we all have to leave each other at some point in some way...anyway I was praying this morning and this thought came to me that I am so excited for, that even though we have to part on earth, one day we never have to say goodbye! I can't wait for that time, since we'll all be able to spend eternity together with Jesus, I am so happy I get to see you and all my friends there forever because of the sacrifice of Jesus Praise His holy name! :) But for now we just have to deal I guess, and praise the Lord for the internet and skype :)


Anna said...

Haha yea... oh my gosh you just made me cry again!!! Yea I know we'll all be together forever in heaven and that's comforting and I honestly can't wait for it. No more pain, no more tears, no more good bye's!!! Glory!!! But until then... it still hurts :(