Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Shack

I can't say that many things have "changed my life". Only one thing (person) has actually - Jesus :) However, there are a few things, books in particular, that have changed my outlook on life, my thinking, my heart... The Shack, by William P. Young, is the most recent of those things. This book seriously rocked me to the core and I recommended it to literally everyone. I've given this book to a lot of my friends for Christmas and it's been very exciting to hear how much they are loving it as well :) So without giving the plot (completely) away, here are some of the lessons I learned:

*God the Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit
I've always struggled with separating the three, and this book paints a beautiful picture of their (very distinct) roles and personalities. Their character is consistant though :) As it should be, since all three are "God"!

God's relationship with us and our relationships with other people... It's beautiful, inspiring and touching... God loves people more than anything... All people. Relationships can hurt, but they can also heal and save :)

*Why bad things happen to good people
In short, we all live in an imperfect broken world where none of us are immune from pain and other things that are caused by sin. If not our own, then the sins of others... Such is life... The solution? Jesus :)

*Love, Faith, Grace, Hope, Forgiveness, and all that good stuff :)
The timing of grace... Loving others with the same love God loves us... It's a process, a journey, not an event... Not giving up... Going out on a limb... Becoming all things to all people... Thinking outside the box... Coming down to others' level... Humility... Sacrifice... The list can go on and on...

This book is considered very controversial, and with good reason I suppose... For a work of fiction, it deals with some pretty heavy theological stuff and touchy life issues. It will mess with you. So read with discernment, but also with an open heart and let God use it to speak to you, touch you, heal you, comfort you, and love you...

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