Monday, June 28, 2010

The Response

I caved :) It took a while (much too long), but I was finally driven to my knees (because I realized I had nowhere else to go) in repentance. This weekend has been the tipping point. The final realization that this was a dead end, the rock bottom, the straw that broke the camel's back.

On Sunday, I went to my church in the AM, but bolted out of there as soon as the pastor said "Amen" :( I hate doing that, because I know that when I can't stick around to chat with my friends and hug my pastors, something is seriously wrong. And my pastors know that. They can read my guilty eyes from a mile away... My life is an open book to them even when I don't say a word. I swear God tells them stuff! I love my church, without a doubt, it's my family, but I must admit that sometimes I go there because I feel like I "have to". To make an appearance, to pick up the mail, to host, to teach, to serve...

That's why every once in a while, I like to sneak away to MH (Mars Hill Church) in the PM... Because if I go there, it's because I either really "want to" or "need to" and I'm doing it for myself... It's also nice to go somewhere where you don't run into everyone you know and you don't have to give hugs and lie when people ask you how you're doing. Because I can't lie... Even though I do know a lot of people who go to MH, it's very rare that I actually run into any of them since there are so many different services and campuses and the place is just BIG. So yea, it's nice to just go and sit and absorb, and not feel like I have to take notes (even though sometimes I do because I want to). It's also nice to be able to have communion (they have it every Sunday) because I do believe that there's SO much power in it... And it's also nice to talk to a pastor who doesn't know you and the fact that this is like the 10th time you're having this issue so you don't feel like a total idiot... I adore my pastors, but sometimes I just really hate bothering them with the same problem... It's like GROW UP, ANNA!!! And I know they'll never say that, or make me feel bad because I know they love me, but confessing the same thing over and over again, just makes me feel dumb...

Anyway, somewhere between my church and MH, "it" happened... The dam broke, the floodgates opened, my heart finally melted and surrendered and I said the words I've been holding out on for so long... "I'm sorry. I repent. Please forgive me."

Going to MH sealed the deal... The message was perfect... The worship was custom, the prayer was dead on... I'm still amazed at how God takes care of everything... I was teary eyed and sniffly the whole time, and I know He held me throughout the entire service... We had a heart to heart moment when I asked Him if He enjoys having me around and He said yes, because I'm His precious daughter :) At the end of the service I went upfront to talk to a pastor, get prayer and "cleanse my soul"... There's something about verbalizing and putting feelings and actions into words that's powerful...

So yea... That's it... It's done :) This morning I got a little miracle helping make things easier (because doing the right thing is never easy), and I'm really grateful for it :) Pray for me to be strong, and brave and courageous... I have a feeling I'm gonna need it... BUT... I can do ALL things through Christ, who strengthens me :)!!!

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