Monday, May 19, 2008

A dime a dozen...

I've been called "beautiful" a lot lately. At random times, by random people. Friends, strangers, students, teachers, ect. Mostly female, actually. Not that I mind or disagree, but it got me thinking... So what?! There are SO MANY good looking people out there! I see countless numbers everyday everywhere I go! I'm literally surrounded by them at YP and at my own church, and let me tell you, there are some HOT teachers at Shorecrest High School! And a lot of really cute ones everywhere else... So being beautiful is actually pretty common... Beautiful people are a dime a dozen. While it's still true that being good looking will get you places, it won't get you far. I know plenty of absolutely GORGEOUS girls (myself included, hehe), and guys who are single for no apparent reason... OK so maybe there's ALWAYS a reason lol, but you know what I mean. I may be blessed with good looks, but what does it really matter in the end? That I feel good about myself? Sure, but I'll still feel rotten if I act ugly towards someone...

I tell people they are beautiful all the time. It's actually one of my favorite compliments to give to my girls :). We, females, were created with a desire to feel beautiful and to be told so constantly :) But what I really mean when I tell someone that they're beautiful is that they are a beautiful person. I believe that being beautiful on the inside is much more important than being beautiful on the outside. Because when your inward beauty shines through, it makes you irresistibly beautiful on the outside as well. So I hope that's what people mean when they tell me I'm beautiful. Good looks alone are a dime a dozen, but beautiful hearts are few and far between. It matters little to me that people find my outward appearance attractive. Getting flirted with and hit on gets old and tiresome rather quickly. Being commended on my personality, attitude and character, however, is something I'll always appreciate :)

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