Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Through Hell and High Water

So the last month or so has been interesting... I have experienced some of the highest highs, but also some pretty low lows... It's been quite a learning experience to say the least... As Renee would put it, I was being pruned. The exhilarating moments gave me glimpses of my future to look forward to, while the low lows have humbled me like never before... I still make mistakes left and right though :P Thank God for grace to cover my weakness with His strength :) I think I've finally learned to embrace it...

I'm glad it's all coming up on me little by little, or else I wouldn't be able to bear it... The good and the bad... I'm glad God's timing is perfect in all things and I trust Him with timing all areas of my life just right ;) As much as I want complete relief all at once right now, Him giving me just enough to get me through each day and having to trust Him for the rest has been stretching and growing my faith, teaching me invaluable lessons I'll hold on to for the rest of my life.

This long term subbing experience reminds me so much of my student teaching, it almost mirrors it... I love it... I'm covering for an amazing teacher who is out on pregnancy leave, and she has been super wonderful, helpful and supportive the whole entire time. The rest of the school staff is just as amazing, including the principals who absolutely love me... not to mention the secretaries :P Last night I was going through my student teaching stuff from when I was in an 8th grade English class... I still think it was one of the best experiences of my life... And since I save EVERYTHING, I had a lot of memories to pour over... Even though I was looking for some specific things, I have found much more than I thought I had... Notes and letters from students, pictures, all of their work, special assignments and even some homework... I was so touched by their words, love, effort, care, and just who they were, it was all I could do not to cry. I know that I know that I know that I've touched those kids in a powerful way... and that they touched me. I am now trying to reproduce the same experience with the kids I have now. Am I crazy to think that I can impact them in the last 2 1/2 weeks of school? Well I know I already have... and that they have already impacted me... Today I received my first "Thank you" letter and it made me smile... it came sooner than I expected... I love those kids more and more each day and I can tell they are getting more and more attached to me as well... It's an incredible feeling :)

Mentoring is very similar to teaching for me... The world is my classroom :) I have a very diverse group of girls in their 20's whom I've been discipling for a while now. Recently, a few new ones have entered my life and I find myself being blessed the most by them. A couple of them are in the NewBe class I teach and I absolutely love watching them being transformed by it... Their hunger, their faith, their excitement over what God is doing in their lives... their growing understanding... just the sheer REALITY of God in their life is captivating... As much joy as my girls bring me though, they bring me pain as well... So many times I've been let down, disappointed, hurt and just plain angry with them! Despite of it all though, they know I love them and want the best for them... I'm like a parent in that way I guess, which makes sense, because John and Vita are like my parents...

Life is all about people. It's all about relationships, touching, impacting, inspiring, restoring, transforming, and changing lives... In the end, it's all that matters. I am who I am and I do what I do because of the people in my life who cared enough to make a difference. So now, I want to make a difference as well... In the lives of my family, friends, students, co-workers, strangers, anyone who steps a foot inside my life... And I know I am... And it's the highest high imaginable :D!!!

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